Monthly Archives: December 2010

Fill Us Up

Robert Galea (now Father Robert Galea) wrote “Fill Us Up” with Bettina Cassar and it is No 45 in AOV NG. You can listen to the song on Fr Galea’s MySpace page. I had to listen to it several times to … Continue reading

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Feel the Spirit

“Feel the Spirit” by James D’Arcy and Jo Kenderes is No 44 in AOG NG.  This is a standout track if only because it dares to jump out of the boring straight 4/4 into a swing rhythm.  It has a … Continue reading

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Everlasting God

No 43 in As One Voice: The Next Generation is Brenton Brown and Ken Riley’s “Everlasting God.”  I recently noted my opinion that Hillsong does the best songs of the Hillsong variety.  No, Brenton Brown is better – I prefer … Continue reading

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This is the ultimate sending out song – for school graduations it should ensure not a dry eye in the house.  It is Monica O’Brien and Gina Ogilvie’s “Eternity” No 42 in AOV NG.  If the assembly needs an affirmation … Continue reading

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