Behold the Cross (AOV 1/105)

This is Bob Hurd’s entry into the Good Friday Adoration of the Cross stakes. You can hear his lovely version here. I wonder if it works better as a solo, which is really OK because it is a situation where you may not want the assembly singing necessarily for a change. On the hand these kids do a nice enough job.

It is available to purchase for download at OCP.

We have a fairly set list of songs we have done for years on Good Friday but we never have done this one and I think we should consider it for next Easter.

Verse 1

Behold the cross on which was hung
life’s very Lord, God’s only Son;
Mary’s own babe, so cold and so still,
helpless before her on Calvary hill.

Verse 2

Nails in his hands, nails in his feet,
a traitor kiss upon his cheek;
and his pierced heart, now broken in two,
love crucified for me and for you.

Verse 3

Eyes that won’t see, ears that won’t hear,
lips that deny the friend once so dear;
slowly he turns and captures your eye,
then passes on to Calv’ry to die.

Verse 4

Behold the cross of Christ in our midst:
all those who bear his wounds in their flesh.
Suff’ring for crimes of mercy and peace,
signs of the kingdom on Calvary street.

Verse 5

Behold the cross on which was hung
life’s very Lord, God’s only Son;
Mary’s own babe, so cold and so still,
helpless before her on Calvary hill.

© Bob Hurd 1986, 1990

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3 Responses to Behold the Cross (AOV 1/105)

  1. This is such a moving song for me. We lost my dad from pancreatic cancer two years ago, a long agonizing road home. Anyway, at Good Friday Services at Corpus Christic Catholic Church in Lawrence, KS the third verse in particular made me think of dad’s agony, passion and death as; of course, the Christ we are born into. The melody reminds me of a lullaby I had when my kids were little called Hushabye Street. Anyway, I very much appreciate your work. Thank you.

    • Gracemarie Serafina says:

      Yes so many emotions washed over me as we sing this at Mass this Palm Sunday. Tears streamed down my face for the love I feel of Jesus and all He did for us. And yes remember those loved ones I miss so dearly. It is a melancholy song but one of deep Love and healing. Much gratitude!

  2. Cindy says:

    Here I am 64 years later, recalling the sign of the cross from childhood til now. Something about these lyrics that bring such clarity. Through years a wore, adored one in my home. Look upon it all my life… the lyrics bring full of clarity why the cross has always been a part of my life. Thank you 🙏 Mr Hurd for bring it to light for us. Thank Lord my King for your sacrifice and love ❤️

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