Can We Love?

No 18 in AOV NG is “Can We Love?” by Tom Booth another spiritandsong performer.  This is an important song as it is a kind of anti (praise and worship) song.  It challenges the song without works theology that appears in some quarters and is a rousing song to boot.  It’s a stretch but as a recessional chasing us out with a flea in our ear it would be a hoot.

You can purchase and download the sheet music and hear a snippet at spiritandsong.

Can we love?
Can we lay down our lives?
Can we wear his crown of thorns?
Can we drink the cup that He drinks?
We must lay down our lives!

1. It’s more than raising our hands,
it’s more than singing this song.
It’s saying “yes” to the Giver of life,
it’s righting the ways that are wrong! (to Refrain)

2. It’s more than shouting God’s name,
it’s more than singing His praise.
It’s bringing forgiveness to injury’s wound,
and hope to those imprisoned by shame. (to Interlude and Verse 3)

3. Loving the Lord our God
with all our heart, mind and soul,
loving our neighbor as ourselves,
the kingdom of love we will know! (to Verse 4)

4. With feet secure on the ground
and hearts humbled by love
we stand before God’s anointed one
and ask the question, and ask the question: (to Refrain)

© Tom Booth 2007


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3 Responses to Can We Love?

  1. Pingback: Emmanuel | Church Music

  2. Mel says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I was just wondering how you handled the 3/8 bars in this song in BIAB? I can’t seem to get it to do what I want it to.


    • admin says:

      I used the CC_Moris style which is 3/4 but with a 6/8 feel and doubled the duration of everything – one bar spread over 2 and then forced MIDI drums. The other option is to pick one of the 4/4 styles labelled 6/8 and enter everything as triplets – ferociously difficult in this case.

      If you leave it as 3/4 you have to push all the second chords in the bar and it won’t sound very good.

      I hope that helps. BIAB and 6/8 can be difficult.

      Are your BIAB backings accessible?


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