Easter People (AOV 2/147)

This is a song by David Light that has odd time signatures in the chorus  4/4, 6/8, 4/4, 2/4 etc. The sample at AOV will give you the tricky timings. It is in AOV for Kids as well and I think its a bit tricky for kids and much too wordy.


We are an Easter people, and alleluia is our song!

We are an Easter people, and alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

is our song!

Verse 1

Today is the day so long foretold

in the books of the prophecies of old,

that a Saviour who died would rise again

so that we who believe might rise with him!


Verse 2

Today he has come to shed his light

on a people who wandered in endless night.

Now together we live in him and raise

a joyful sacrifice of praise.


Verse 3

Today he has conquer’d death and sin,

and the powers of darkness cannot win

over any who give their lives to him!

Let us open our hearts and let Jesus in.


Verse 4

Today he has opened up out eyes.

In the morning, he said, the Son would rise!

May we know in the breaking of the bread

the one who is risen from the dead.


© David Light 1985.

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3 Responses to Easter People (AOV 2/147)

  1. Nicole Charette says:

    Where is David Light?
    We were talking about him last night and sharing fond memories of him.
    How we were blessed to have him in North Bay for a short while.
    If you get this message, David, just want you to know that we sing “Easter People” every Easter Sunday including tomorrow, March 27, 2016. And get this, at your old stomping grounds! Holy Name of Jesus Church!

  2. Gillian Federico says:

    Also would love to reach David Light as I would like to be able to use some of his music and can’t find it anywhere. We have many happy memories of the “Five O’Clock Shadows” (and the “Shadows of our Former Selves”) at St Anne’s in Brampton. David, if you read this, please contact me at the Halton Catholic District School Board.

  3. I. McDole says:

    While it is mentioned above that this could be too officially for kids, I remember this hymn as one of my favourite from my grade-school choir. I learned it when I was 9, and now at age 36 I try to bring it to the parishes and communities I heave served. I find it appropriate for all ages, and catchy enough for people to remember.

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