Taste and See (AOV 1/67)

This is a Bob Hurd song that we have never done locally.  That’s a pity because there is something uplifting in the tune in the first two verses that makes it stand out.  Hurd’s setting has a different tune for verse 3 then a key change to the final refrain. It is also a nicely and gently swung gospel tune. You can hear the original sung with all the harmonies here and in a different arrangement by this church choir here.

It can be purchased for download at OCP.

I suppose we don’t do it because do another “Taste and See” song, the one by Stephen Robinson AOV 1/88, but even then it has mostly been just as the response for Ps 34. Looking on Youtube reveals that there are any number of settings for this psalm, but this one has obvious merit. It also gave me a chance to use a gospel swing rhythm for a change.

Taste and see, O taste and see,
taste and see the goodness of God.

Verse 1

Glory, glory to God most high,
glory, blessing and praise.
With one voice, O people,
rejoice in our God,
who hears the cry
of all in need.


Verse 2

Who has fashioned the earth and sky,
who created the deep,
who exalts the lowly
and sets captives free,
who opens the door
to all those who seek.


Verse 3

Oh, the love of God!
Become flesh of our flesh,
so that we might live in glory.


© Bob Hurd 1988.

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2 Responses to Taste and See (AOV 1/67)

  1. Cipriana says:

    I had been waiting to do this beautiful song but already had another “Tast and See” song. This year we had same “taste and see” Responsorial psalm 4 Sundays in a row,so it came in handy. We sang it for entrance.

  2. Danny says:

    This is probably my favourite “Taste and See” song because of the swing rhythm and the change in the 3rd verse.

    Going to use it this weekend for Trinity Sunday because it captures very nicely the theme of creation and God’s glory.

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